Balls, Bands & Rollers!


Starting on Saturday 29th April 11.30am – 12.30pm and on the last Saturday of the month thereafter.

The Details:

A new class with Natalie Whipps to promote unrestricted, pain free and controlled movement that’s vital for improved performance.

Join Natalie for a guided practical and educational workshop to learn the correct use of balls, bands & foam rollers to promote recovery & improve movement.

Spaces are limited to 10 people, all equipment is provided and costs just £5.00 per class.

Reserve your space by texting
Natalie on 07809 561234

Learn To Let Go!


On Saturday 29th April from 2pm – 4pm.

The Details:

A 2 hour workshop with Tricia Kelly. Learning to Bend & Stretch with the Alexander Technique could help reduce unnecessary tension in muscles and resulting stress in joints.

If you want to move with less effort or pain and improve your balance and poise this workshop could help you.

Tricia Kelly will help you to move, sit and walk with ease, releasing tension and helping joint s to move more freely.

Spaces are limited to 8 people, no equipment is necessary and only comfortable clothing is required.

To reserve a space, contact
Tricia on 07749 283963